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How r u today? i hope u guys in a good condition

Alhamdulillah we meet again in my blog chapter 9 which is our last material, now in chapter 9 we will discuss about songs/music as usual I will divide this blog into 3 parts, part 1 contains definitions, functions, song structures , language features and aspects of the song.


♩♪♫ ๔€𝕗เηιŦ𝔦𝐎ᑎ ♫♪♩

Music is a sound that is arranged in such a way that it contains rhythm, song and harmony, the sound produced from tools that can produce a rhythm. The art of music comes from 2 words namely "art" & "music" , the meaning of art is the result of human creation, taste and initiative expressed in various means. While music is the result of processing sound, melody, harmony and rhythm, vocals and tempo.


.•♫•♬• ᖴ𝓤ⓝᶜ𝓉ᎥoN •♬•♫•.

In general, the function of music is to enjoy its beauty. This general function then becomes more specific depending on where the music is played. For example, in traditional ceremonies, the function becomes more specific, namely as an accompanist, messenger, as a symbol and so on. 


♩♪♫ 𝔰OηG 𝐒ᵗ𝐫Ữ𝕔ţ𝐮R𝑒 ♫♪♩

  1. Verse : A repeated section of a song that typically features a new set of lyrics on each repetition
  2. Chorus : A musical passage that is meant to be the most memorable part and contains the ultimate message of the song
  3. Bridge : A musical passage that connects a section to another section of a song
  4. Intro : The opening section of a song, usually before the singing begins
  5.  Reff : The repetition of chorus and verses
  6.  Coda : A musical passage that brings a piece (or a movement) to an end 



.¸¸.•` ℓΔ𝓷g𝓾ᵃᎶ𝓔 𝐟𝕖𝕒𝐓Ur乇Ⓢ `•.¸¸.

  1.  Metaphor: Comporing two thingsthat are not alike to one another
  2.  Simile: Comparing two things using certain words
  3.  Hyperbole: Emphasizing on something by overexaggerating it
  4.  Personification: Comparing an object like a person
  5.  Alliteration: A series of words begin wih the same consonant sound 


.•♫•♬• ÃⓈ𝓅𝔢¢𝓽𝔰 oᖴ 𝐓𝐡𝔢 𝓢𝓸几Ǥ •♬•♫•.

  1. Genre : A category that identifies type of the music
  2.  Rhythm : A music component that makes the listeners move or even just tap the foot
  3.  Imagery : One of poetry elements that can make the readers feel the emotions of the song 


Well that's a little explanation on my blog this time, hopefully it will help you in and be useful for you. Thank you for reading to the end, don't forget to leave your comments about my blog this time, okay?


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