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Hello friends! 

How are you guys? I hope everything is in good condition. Well welcome back to my blog, this time I will discuss the material EXPLANATION TEXT. Read to the end, don't forget to watch the video too๐Ÿ˜‰

Explanation text is a non-fiction text which describes a process, for example, the water cycle and so on. This text describes a process. Talking about the process, this text is almost the same as procedure text. However, if procedure text describes how to do something (process), this text explains how a process occurs. That way, we can know that explanation text serves to provide information through a detailed explanation of a phenomenon that occurs.

  • Generic Structure
1. A Tittle that identifies the topic to be explained

2. A General Statement 
     = Namely the introduction of an event that we will tell. Or a general description of the event. In the general statement contains a general explanation of the phenomenon to be discussed, it can be an introduction to the phenomenon or an explanation.

3. A sequenced Explanation ( a clear order about how and why )
       = That is an explanation of why and how the event occurred. In this section the author can write more than one paragraph. Sequenced explanations contain explanations of the process why these phenomena can occur or are created. Sequenced explanations are answers to why and how questions when writing an explanation text. Sequenced explanations can consist of more than one paragraph.

4. Closing / Concluding Statement
          = That is the conclusion or conclusion of the story. Actually closing is not listed in the generic structure of explanation text, but most people think that the last paragraph of an explanation text is closing, even though it is part of sequenced explanations which contains the final steps described in the sequenced explanations section.

  • Social Function
An Explanation text is used to describe how and why a certain phenomenon happens

  • Linguistic Features
1. Focused on general group rather than specific
2. Use a linking word like, in general , rather, for instance
3. Use action verbs like breaks, erupts
4. Use Present tense
5. Use Passive voice
6. Reference to people should not be given
7. Use of technical terms and language relevants to the subjects

  • Elements of Language
1. Adverbia first, then, following, finally
2. Causality (if –then, so, as a consequence, since, due to, because of, thanks to)
3. Passive sentence, in the present tense
4. Speech, stress, intonation, spelling, punctuation and handwriting

  • Characteristics of Explanation Text

1. Have a passive voice
2. Equipped with action verb
3. Has a visible verb
4. Using the simple present tense in the sentence


That's my explanation, if there are mistakes, please forgive me. Thank you for your attention.๐Ÿ˜ƒ
